Sunday, January 27, 2008

Queen Isabel top 5 finalist

The coronation night of "Queen Isabel 2008" was held on January 14,2008 at the Isabel Freedom Center, Isabel, Leyte. There where 15 lovely candidates competing for the coveted crown. Fotunately, I bagged this one....hehehe. All candidates look pretty, and attractive that night. I dont know why I grabbed the title...hehe..maybe the judges see some potentials in me.....or do I really deserve the crown?...

(left: 4th runner up-bernerdita, 3rd runner up-hannah, queen isabel-"me", 1st runner up-reenalene, 2nd runner up- sneh)

Queen Isabel Top 5 Finalist

  • Girlie Abe
  • Reenalene
  • Sneh
  • Hannah
  • Bernardita

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ranjah said...
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